Festive service on the day of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem
April 5 of 2015 was a feast the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem, or so called «The Sunday of palm-branches». The Divine Liturgy in St. John Cathedral of Brooklyn was headed by Rector, Archpriest Alexander Belya together with other clergy – Priest Constantine Gavrilkin and Deacon Petr Utkin.
This Sunday is the sixth one Sunday of Lent and is one of Twelve Great Feasts of Orthodoxy. This feast takes place between fasting days because it is the end of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week and this is the peculiarity of this day.
Many people came to share this feast – adults and children; walls of the cathedral were not able to accommodate everyone that is why some part of the parishioners prayed outside. The joy of this particular feast was also inspired by special festive singing of the choir and a large number of communicants.
During the service, father rector addressed the worshipers with the word of exhortation; he greeted everyone on the occasion of the Entry into Jerusalem and called to hold worthy the rest days before Easter Sunday:
«There are a lot of feasts which brings to people some sort of joyfulness, but this one opens to us the greatest one – the joy that Jesus Christ is Messiah and Savior.
Entrance into Jerusalem is a moment of His coming for Passion, and He devoted it for every one of us!
People with great joy and in large numbers went out to the meet Jesus. Rich people laid their magnificent clothes on a road, poor people laid branches of palms, date palms and everything they had in their hands. Everyone desired for Lord’s blessing upon his deeds. And that is why even for today every one of us coming to church to get a blessing for his family and relatives.
«Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest» – exclaimed people when they met Jesus. At the same moment of celebrations, Lord cried about Jerusalem, cried because of impenitence of those people who have met Him.
And today God waits for repentance from every one of us, waits for sincere faith, prayer and loyalty to Him to the end of our lives. We must realize that He is our Creator and Savior».