St. Venerable Simeon Stylites is famous ancient Christian hermit who was glorified for inconceivable ascetic vows. Famous Christian historians mentioned about him and that is why the story of his life became known.
The Orthodox Church calls the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross “The Implement of Life”. In every church the believers give a special veneration to Holy Cross on August 14: that is the day of Procession of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross.
The Icon “Our Lady of Boyany” is modern and very venerable shrine of Ukraine. Modern because it miraculously presented itself nowadays – a bit more than twenty years ago.
The Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of St. Hierarch-Martyr Jacob (Maskayeff) on 29 July.
The Icon “Our Lady of the Sign” is one of most venerable Russian icons. It became the sign of mercy of Heavenly Mother to a mankind. The festive Day of the icon is 10 December.