The Icon “Our Lady of Boyany”
The Icon “Our Lady of Boyany” is modern and very venerable shrine of Ukraine. Modern because it miraculously presented itself nowadays – a bit more than twenty years ago.
The icon was painted in 1991 for the iconostasis of church dedicated to honor of Nativity of the Theotokos in Bukovina, Boyany village, Chernivtsi Oblast; the church was under restoration after desolation. The parishioners liked the new church icon and they prayed in a front of it.
The miracle took place on 18 December in 1993 during the vespers on the eve of St. Nikolaos day. People noticed that eyes of Theotokos became bright and the tears came down on the face of icon depicted. All those present were deeply surprised and shocked by what they saw. The next morning villagers filled the local church and prayed fervently in a front the glorified icon. The ruling Bishop also visited the church and has testified miracle.
Another miracle of healing took place soon and doctors confirmed the disappearance of cancer in the last stage of the boy. Almost at the same time one Polish priest who made pilgrimage to the icon was healed of cancer.
In 1994 the Holy Synod of Ukrainian Orthodox Church has recognized the Icon “Our Lady of Boyany” as wonderworking.
Since 1995, on the eve of celebration, the traditional religious procession takes place from Chernivtsi to Boyany.
Every year a lot of people are coming to the shrine. Under the church of Boyany was established the sisterhood which was the beginning of skete of Ascension Monastery of Bancheny village. Since 1999 the skete of “Our Lady of Boyany” is independent convent.
According to calculation, for 10 years since glorification the pilgrimage to the icon of Boyany was made more than 2 million people from Ukraine itself, as well from Jerusalem, Greece, Romania, Poland, Russia and Turkey.
A few words about the icon. It painted by oil-base paints on the wood; size is 1,8×2,5 feet. The icon belongs to iconographic type of Orans. In 1994 the riza was made by the collected funds of parishioners and pilgrims.
The Festive Day of “Our Lady of Boyany” is on September 25.