In St. John Cathedral of Brooklyn took place a pannychida for those who died during World War II

10 May, 2015

On May 10 of 2015, on Sunday of Samaria was the continuation of celebration of 70th anniversary of Victory. After the Divine Liturgy in St. John Cathedral of Brooklyn the pannychida took place the memorial service for «ever memorable captains and warriors who putted their lives on a battlefield for Faith and Fatherland, who died because of wounds and starvation, who were guiltless tortured and murdered in captivity and heavy labors, and everyone who worked for Victory».

The memorial service was headed by Rector of the Cathedral and Dean of First Deanery of New York Archpriest Alexander Belya together with clergy of the church, and a lot of parishioners as well.

The Orthodox Church venerates that day as a day of victory of life over death, as a day when the hugest bloodshed in the history of mankind was finished. World War II was a terrible spiritual lesson for next generations, an expressive example of evil, and humanity is capable to it only without God.

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

В Иоанно-Предтеченском соборе Бруклина отслужена панихида по погибшим во Второй Мировой войне

In St. John Cathedral of Brooklyn took place a pannychida for those who died during World War II обновлено: February 16, 2016 автором: maximus