St. Venerable Vissarion of Egypt, the Wonderworker (V)

19 June, 2015

St. Venerable Vissarion of Egypt, the Wonderworker (V)The Remembrance of St. Vissarion is celebrated by Church on 19 of June.

St. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich (XX) wrote about him this: “Desert was his friend, thought and prayer – the connection to heaven, which is his native land”.

St. Vissarion was born in Egypt. Since his youth he devoted his life to God. After visit a lot of ascetics in desert, such as Gerasimus of the Jordan, St. Vissarion definitively decided to reject secular life. Traveling around mountains and desert places, he had no permanent shelter and very rarely stayed under the roof of someone else. St. Vissarion’s pupils told that he for forty years did not lay down to take some rest, but allowed to himself just to sleep for a while, and he slept standing or sitting. Despite of heat or cold, of day or night, he wore old clothes and was in prayer, forgetting about the food often.

The Holy man abandoned the terrestrial things and for that God gave him the power of wonderworking. Once the old man prayed and put the sign of cross upon the cup, he turned the sea water onto the appropriate for drinking, aiming to give to drink to his pupil, who was exhausted of thirst. By the prayer of hermit God gave the long-awaited rain; also St. Vissarion was able to pass across the river upon the water, had the power to exorcize demons and to heal sick.

The old man was very strict to himself and at the same time condescended to others. One monk was punished by prohibition to stay in the church together with other brothers. Than Holy Father came out with that monk from the church and said: “I am sinful as well”.

Servant of God was edified people to be constantly on guard against the temptations of Satan. He warned that the demonic obsession hit unexpectedly, especially when the soul of man is in a peaceful and serene condition.

At the highest spiritual perfection St. Vissarion died at the end of V century.

St. Venerable Vissarion of Egypt, the Wonderworker (V) обновлено: September 24, 2015 автором: maximus